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diyhards's Profile

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Profile Views:1998
Location:Chicago, IL
Last Seen:on 26/04/2009
mindful Since:April 2009

Although only 23 years old, I have the desire to develop the focus, control, and power to be extremely successful. Improvement and growth in my areas of expertise while being a positive influence to as many people as possible, is my goal. I wish to summarize how D.I.Y Hards fits the model of a business that most would be interested in, i.e., a high-growth, technology-related, Midwest business in its early stages with powerful strategies and a service-oriented approach!

What exactly is this business? D.I.Y. Hards is a skill-sharing, equipment-renting, crafting resource, supply, and consignment shop; a self-service center much like Kinko’s, but built around the arts and crafts market. This is an unconventional and revolutionary business that will change the way we create and consume. We are geared for re-using, re-constructing, and re-purposing things that have already been produced. Many of the supplies and materials used in our fashions and crafts are recycled, and we will continue to search out local sources. We promote the “buy it here, make it here, keep it here” idea to strengthen the community.

How does it benefit others? It’s a social work space in a world which has become more isolated and secluded. It’s a place where creative people will motivate and influence each other to learn something new and improve their quality of life, while building new relationships. Alternative careers, creative abilities, and self-sufficiency will be promoted. It’s a modern, convenient and efficient business that fits with the times.

Who will it benefit? Crafters, students, and artists benefit by using equipment and space not available in their dorms, apartments, or homes. Artists and shoppers will discover direct and immediate ways to re-use, create, distribute, or purchase one-of-a-kind items. The options available to both crafters and consumers allow for flexibility and personal satisfaction. There is a mental, emotional, and political power behind the do-it-yourself lifestyle. This kind of strength is what our country needs now.

Why this location? Chicago is perfect for D.I.Y. Hards, and I believe it would prosper in many other cities as well. The city is full of creative students and condo and apartment-dwellers that will appreciate this business. The arts, crafts, fashion and do-it-yourself industries have been on the rise for some time. Even in these tough economic times, Jo-Ann Fabrics & Crafts sales increased 3.5% this past year. Life is ever-changing and D.I.Y. Hards is created to fill the needs of many.

What’s my current situation? Through Mark Thomas (President of Rags 2 Riches Fashions, Inc., a corporation that runs The Alley and a network of five other alternative retail stores in the Lakeview area), I have obtained a commercial space to house D.I.Y. Hards rent and utility free for 6 months—a street-level space with a store-front window display, located adjacent to his retail operations in the second-largest shopping district in Chicago. The daily foot traffic is incredible, and the space is ideal. We are ready to move in the inventory and equipment obtained through our own collections and received in donations.

I’ve been focused on researching similar businesses throughout the country, finding sources for reusable materials and supplies, marketing, and developing advertising strategies. I believe in this business and the positive influence it can make on the community, my life, and the lives of others. All I need now is to find the financial support to obtain equipment and fixtures, and open D.I.Y. Hards properly.

Would you, or anyone you know consider supporting my dream of starting this business? I would like to share my ideas and concepts with you, and learn from any advice you may have, at your convenience, and am willing to travel.


Sarah Vuong D.I.Y. Hards Owner/President email: [email protected] Phone: 224.213.6229

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Welcome diyhards! Hey…You Rock! Great Affirmations. I am barely new as well and I love being part of such as awsome people. VeomHaes

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Welcome to Bmindful! Looking forward to hearing more about you!

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