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shaelicious's Profile

Forum Posts:1
Profile Views:1456
Location:Harrisonburg, VA
Last Seen:on 04/04/2009
mindful Since:March 2009
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To quote a friend: “Things change…for the better I believe.” As much as it’s not perfect, I could not be more in love with my life right now. My motto is “Fearless and Fabulous” - it’s what I strive to be. Sometimes I achieve that, sometimes I don’t and I’m okay with that. I have gone through many personal changes over the last 3 years and life continues to bring me what I need, when I need it. I have dreams and goals that I am pursuing; there are yet other things that I am in search of and seeking out…creating. I expect nothing but the best out of life and can’t wait to see where it takes me. It is one crazy ride.

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˚Holy Complete Surrender Lee
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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Welcome to Bmindful! You are going to love it here! Thanks for introducing yourself;pleasure to meet you! My name is Laurie and so looking forward to hearing from you on the threads. I’ve added you as a friend-> so you can have access to my profile page and rumage through my affirmations and take what you’d like.

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In response to laurie’s comment:

Hi Laurie! Thank you for the warm welcome. I browsed through some of your affirmations; they are wonderful and some of them really strike a chord within me. I’m a bit timid about making changes in my life, it’s been difficult for me to do so, but I am determined to make those changes for the better and I believe being here is part of that. I hope I can be supportive to other people as well as receiving support. Thanks again for sharing with me!


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