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Last Seen:on 31/12/2008
mindful Since:December 2008

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˚Holy Complete Surrender Lee
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tradergirl's 15 Affirmations

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267 posts

Hi Trader Girl~ I enjoyed reading your affirmations. Along with affirmations is right action to get your goals going. It doesn’t make sense, but a great way to accumulate wealth is to acknowledge you trust the universe to provide for you by GIVING AWAY some of your wealth. It doesn’t have to be much. My first check was for $5 (when I didn’t have enough money in the bank to make my mortgage payment) to the local house for battered women. It may sound trite, but I won a major contract for my business the very NEXT DAY!! It really is true that to get, you have to give.

Best of luck and I wish you unlimited success!!!


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3 posts

Hello MM,

Thank you so much for writing to me. I totally agree with you about what you said. I will have to add affirmations regarding that. I am in the process of creating a very balanced affirmation list, so I only tackled a very small portion of it so far. What an inspiring story you have though!!! Love it! I am currently enrolled in a spiritual psychology program and we have been working with ideal life scenes and have put together quite a few in all areas of my life, but always looking to add more to make it more powerful. Plus I want a few that I would stick on my mirror in the bathroom so I would read them every morning as soon as I got up. I KNOW they work. Thank you so much for your comment, I am very new on the site and didn’t even know you can see other people’s affirmations, but now sure want to see yours…hehehe

Thanks again, and love and light to you!


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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hi tradergirl, Happy, healthy wealthy, wonderful 2009 to you!

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