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Profile Views:1021
Last Seen:on 10/12/2008
mindful Since:November 2008

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PTHOUGHTS is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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PTHOUGHTS hasn't selected any affirmations yet!

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75 posts

I am looking forward to learning about you through a profile and your list of affirmations. Your welcome to start with my list of affirmations. You can gain alot by reading about others who use positive affirmations.

It’s nice to meet like minded people who see positive affirmations as a way to enhance their life. Their is a web site out their called that sells a product called affirmation charms. These charms help remind the person wearing them of the affirmations they are working on. There’s nothing wrong with cards and post it notes all over the walls and mirrors but these can go with you everywhere you go acting as a constant reminder.

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