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k8fearsnothing's Profile

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Profile Views:893
Location:lancaster, pennsylvania
Last Seen:on 26/02/2008
mindful Since:January 2008

i first read about affirmations in scott adams book…at one time, shortly before i met my husband, i was a “hard body”- athletic, usually graceful, and pleased with how i looked. after almost five years, recurring illnesses, a diagnosis of diabetes that could have been prevented, and some personal issues, i know i have to DO something. it’s only been about a week since i started writing my affirmations down, 15 times each day. oddly enough, some things that i never wanted or felt like embracing have occurred… regarding exercise, and diet, mostly diet. i’ve never been one to eat a lot, but i am now eating more fruits and veggies than before, and other things. i’m hoping that my affirmations help me.

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freygan Lee
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k8fearsnothing's 1 Affirmation

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41 posts

Hi! I’m diabetic too :) I used the Louise Hay affirmation “My life is sweet” for about 2 years and now I only take one shot of insulin a day (used to be 4 shots). Now working on my diet, the last 25% is stubborn to clear.


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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hi k8fearsnothing, I loved your profile and your affirmation! You are very inspiring! Best to you. Blessings.

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hi k8fearsnothing, I loved your profile and your affirmation! You are very inspiring! Best to you. Blessings.

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