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sharp18's Profile

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Profile Views:1062
Location:South Carolina
Last Seen:on 02/11/2007
mindful Since:October 2007

I am 40 years old. I started on my spiritual awakening about two years ago with the help of my very dear friend, Susan. She is my mentor. Together, we have shared some very wonderful moments reflecting on how to banish negativity from our lives, and to focus on the Laws of Attraction. Over the past year, I have been abundantly blessed with gifts in my workplace and home. All it takes is retraining your thoughts into more positive ones and believing good things can happen to you! It also helps to have a great friend who is with you every step of the way and gives you positive reinforcement when you need it. I encourage everyone to try. It does work!

sharp18 has 2 bmindful Friends

nannasc Lee
sharp18 is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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sharp18's 13 Affirmations

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52 posts

Great job! Way to go! This is a great site, isn’t it?

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52 posts

Hey, tried to call you today - but guess you are busy with the Halloween thing…have great news! I have a NEW Boss - yep - I report directly to the top of the department! I also have new job duties - dig this - systems manager for the General Ledger system and the fixed asset system (along with the capital system I already do), do daily imports of revenue to the General Ledger, do all the system training for dept mgrs on accounting software (except for the new Hyperion stuff that Amy will do), also teach dept mgrs how to do custom reports in GL & teach super users outside Accounting how to do some advanced features of the system. For just now, I will do these things on top of the things that I already do - but some of that will be moved out to other people.

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