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kevinc's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:1224
Location:Katherine Australia
Last Seen:on 04/09/2007
mindful Since:August 2007

Mature age guy looking to improve myself, my feelings about myself. Generally an easy going guy wanting a new start in life, time is short in the big scheme of things.

kevinc has 2 bmindful Friends

Lee julie
kevinc is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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kevinc's 25 Affirmations

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100 posts

Hi Kevin,

I’m Maria and am from Australia too! I’m new to the bmindful community and am saying ‘hi’ to everyone and introducing myself.

Two of my sisters lived in the NT for awhile and I went to Katherine while I was up there visiting them. How’s life in the NT treating you?

Feel free to say ‘hi’ anytime. If you are serious about creating wealth in your life, feel free to check out my website I help people make a ton of money and improve the quality of their lives.

Shall look forward to hearing from you Kevin.

Make it a great day, you deserve it!


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