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karnajenic's Profile

Forum Posts:1
Profile Views:2798
Location:Kent, UK
Last Seen:on 08/10/2011
mindful Since:August 2007

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Hello Karnajenic~ Reading your profile made me laugh as it reminded me a bit of myself at your age (about two decades ago!). I spent 17 years in accounting because I preferred the social contact (or lack thereof) with a computer over people!!

You have so much life ahead of you, if I have one piece of advice (love) to share, it is enjoy your life TODAY - here in the NOW and believe me the future will fall into place. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t plan, by all means, do that. However, don’t cheat yourself out of enjoying each day, because really, today is all you’ve got for sure. Tomorrow may or may not come. The house may or may not come. But, today is here and you should enjoy it to the fullest. Be grateful for what you have. Affirm for what you desire. I can tell you will succeed. You have the drive!!

Love, MM

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82 posts

I was your age when I met my husband. Like you I didnt go out much and when I did it was with 1 friend who im still friends with today. I actually met my husband because my friend met my brother-in-law through a dating agency and she thought it would be a good idea to put me and the man who is now my husband together! It didnt work out between my friend and brother-in-law and now 11 years later shes dating my eldest brother-in-law instead!

This proves anything can happen in life, like MM says enjoy your life today, if you do I reacon youve got an even better chance of meeting that special someone and maybe buy a house together.

I wish you the best of luck! :)

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