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serendpity's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:2358
Location:U.K. East coast
Last Seen:on 28/02/2021
mindful Since:April 2007

Not too good at this bit, but here goes:- I’m into writing (poetry and stories), digital photography. I love quizzes and puzzles and anything to do with horoscopes - I am a Scorpio. I listen to all types of music - right accross the board from Status Quo to Mozart! I recently learned to draw and love drawing portraits from photograph, and pictures of my dog. I love family gatherings and am close to my family.

serendpity has 3 bmindful Friends

Lee Gracey Maria
serendpity is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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serendpity's 31 Affirmations

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Greetings from Michigan, USA. I have a dear friend who lives in Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland who just happens to be a poet/novelist. I really like your affirmations and admire your focus for writing your novel. I have been encouraged to write but find myself procrastinating. Keep up the great work. Warmest and best wishes as you continue to write. Gracey

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Hello from the UK, Thank you Gracey for your words of encouragement. Writing is my first love, but I like people and can find myself distracted. I hope you find the time to ‘journal your thoughts on the stories and anecdotes you hear in your ‘work’ - there could be a novel in there somewhere/someday!

I have great admiration for alternative therapists like yourself - you reach and comfort where traditional medicines fail to do so and spend time getting to know your clients personally. Thank you for adding me to your friends list. Serendpity.

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Hi Serendipity,

I absolutely love your affirmations, they are all wonderful. Cheers to you for pursuing your passion of writing, would love to learn more about your novel.

Keep up the great work, I sent you a friend request!

Maria Australia

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