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Bruce Royer's Profile

Forum Posts:5
Profile Views:4224
Location:Laguna Beach, CA
Last Seen:on 13/10/2013
mindful Since:November 2010

I am looking forward to using affirmations and would appreciate any feedback from users of affirmations and how they have helped heal. Thanks Bruce

Bruce Royer has 10 bmindful Friends

˚Holy Complete Surrender Hippiegirl ThisIsBruce Lee Sam Tautua Morgandy AffirmationsTV 4evryoung William.B Leana
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Bruce Royer's 29 Affirmations

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hello Bruce(: Welcome to bmindful. You are going to have field day on this site. Put areas of interest in bmindful’s search engine, and you will have a wealth of info on a variety of topics. Let any of us know if you need help(: Also I will send you a link of an index we once started. Many threads have been added since then,but it will be a help(:

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Bruce Royer
5 posts

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s comment: Thanks Laurie!!!! I am looking forward to the link!! You may email me at [email protected]

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Heres the table of contents-address:

Did you find the search engine?

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Bruce Royer
5 posts

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s comment:

Yes Laurie - I did find the search engine…..and thank you for the link!!

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

In response to Bruce Royer’s comment: I sent u a private bmindful email..did you see? You can use it to write me back to tell me how you’re doing if you like(:

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Bruce Royer
5 posts

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s comment: Yes, and I left you a private message as well…. :)

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

In response to Bruce Royer’s comment: and I responded(:

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hello Bruce..Hoping today is a great day!

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s comment: I take the above back..believing you’re having a great day(:

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24 posts

Affirmations have helped me change my life in many ways. Here is one example: Once upon a time I was unable to speak in public. I would feel terribly self-conscious.

During meetings and conferences I longed to share my opinion but felt too shy and embarrassed to speak. I happened to stumble on some books that described the power of affirmations and so I began affirming (and visualising) myself as a great public speaker.

I would vividly imagine myself on stage speaking with confidence to a large audience. I imagined them applauding me. All the while repeating to myself “I am a great public speaker, I love speaking in public, people love what I have to say, etc.” The rest is now history because I went on to give my own seminars to large groups of people in my community for years on the power of positive thinking and affirmations. I am convinced affirmations played a major role in helping me conquer my fear of public speaking.

Hope this feedback is useful to you.


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love it
2 posts

BRUCE ALMIGHTY.. ENOUGH SAID! You want to exist and to be happy! SAY THIS EVERYDAY AND WATCH THE POWER OF HEALTH HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS FLOW. “I AM BRUCE I except all that life has manifested for my good,for the glory of lifes will, is to succeed in my path; Door open before me now to achieve lifes benefits and blessings that bow down to my needs and wants now! Say it with Authority! and see your change in 24 hrs. repeat through out in your mind all day everyday and watch beautiful people, challenges accomplishments and energy soar from you! FROM YOU! watch how you will feel, how you walk, talk, approch challenges, dress, give, get, attract, heal inner and outter, watch how people will want to know what in the world has bruce been doing, watch how your appearance will change with beautiful features of you, anxiety will stop when you say this with authority. watch how enemeies will flee and family and friends will cling to know, what to do from you! lOVE IT.

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Bruce Royer
5 posts

In response to love it’s comment:

Thank you so much and I sure would love to speak with you via phone for some help with affirmations and how to use them. (949)715-6977

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Hello Bruce!!!

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6 posts

Hi Bruce

Welcome to Bmindful. It is a wonderful group of people. Lee has created a really awesome place here. Feel free to friend me and/or private message me if you need support.

Blessings Morgandy

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˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Glad to see you here, Bruce. Drop me an email(:

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14 posts

I added you as a friend on this site because I just decided I should collect “Bruce”s

Cheers, Bruce

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1 post

Hi Bruce,

My name is Bobbie and I am with Life Learning Ministries. A Bruce Royer sent us a message via our website (hoping it is you), but the email address is not working. We’ve been trying to respond. Please email us at [email protected] if you are the correct Bruce.

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