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kasia b's Profile

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Profile Views:1327
Last Seen:on 06/02/2010
mindful Since:January 2010

I’m a 23 years old Polish girl who moved to Scotland in 2007. Even that I didn’t know it, I used ‘new age’ (or whatever you want to call it) principles quite a lot. Thanks to my use of ‘accidents’ I moved to Edinburgh and a month later transfer my studies to one of the local Universities. I also got the best job a student can dream of in a very ‘posh’ supermarket. In my final year of studies I came across the book ‘The Secret’ which made a huge impact on me. Around the same time I got an e- mail from the student president at the time that the elections for the new president are coming. Me being me- I never let any opportunity pass me by so I put my nomination form in. A month later I was elected! I believe that it was me saying to myself: I’ve won; I’ve won; over and over again. And when a bad thought came to me saying “you have no chance you’re a girl from nowhere” I let it go.

It’s been over 6 months now that I’m in the job and I love it. I discovered that I’m a great leader and this is what I want to do in life. However it wasn’t all good. I have been given a hard time from friends of my opponent. Some students do not understand how difficult it may be to go upstream to try and change a messed up organisation- make unpopular decision which are disliked by your staff, university and sometimes the students. I was working long hours in constant fear of deadlines. Was rushing without a reason and had a feeling that I must have forgotten to do something. My personal life suffered. I didn’t get to see my boyfriend as much as I would like and we no longer spend any quality time together. Plus I wasn’t appreciated for anything I did, not to mention how weakly remunerated I am.

I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when I bought Louise Hay’s book “You can heal your life”. I can’t appreciate it enough. I stopped rushing and start releasing my negative patterns of being not good enough for the job. I also forgive everybody that needs forgiveness every day. My life is changing for better again. I feel much more relaxed and now believe that there is purpose in life. My work- life balance in better with everyday and me and my boyfriend are becoming close again. There are few areas in my life that I would like to work on: - what career will use my potential and talents? - believing that I will get the career that is good for me. - believing that money does not have to be worked very hard for. - releasing the fear that I will never make money and live my mum’s life. - releasing the fear that if I even earn big money it will take long time for me. - releasing the fear of being not good enough because of my nationality. - releasing the fear that nobody likes me and accepts me and that I don’t have friends- which comes together with me accepting and approving myself for what I am. - releasing the fear of aging and being too old to do ‘fun stuff’. - releasing the fear of losing everything and being no one - being more grateful for what I’ve got - being more forgiving

I am grateful that I discovered this website. I hope that I can make some new friends here and that we can help each other on our journey.


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anoushka Lee Raylene
kasia b is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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kasia b's 2 Affirmations

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1213 posts

Welcome :)

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kasia b
2 posts

thank you! I’ve got a question how do you add a pic to one’s profile? :) Hopefully in some time my profile will look more lively.

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1213 posts

From what I understand, you add a picture to your profile by paying a fee to the site- one of the many privledges of doing so.

Thanks for adding me as a friend! Best wishes :).

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106 posts

Hello Kasia B! Thankyou so much for your warm wishes. All the very best in your journey. There is so much wisdom on this site…the answers will just appear!! Blessings, Anoushka

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