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Kae's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:276
Location:Cincinnati, Ohio
Last Seen:on 16/12/2009
mindful Since:December 2009

Hello, I am a mother, grandmother and educator. I am a “young” 51 :-). I love to walk and read. I live on about 10 acres of land in a rural area east of Cincinnati. I have a cat named Scotchy, as he is butterscoth in color. I have a good time finding things and saving money on E-Bay. I’m trying to simplify my life and “declutter”. I seem to have a thing for being warm as I have been drawn to warm coats, boots, gloves etc lately. I am in a very sad time of my life as I am dealing with some relationship problems. I am married but separated. I am an educator. Today I visited a classroom and worked with struggling readers. Kids are such a delight…. I am a Christian. Despite the sadness in my life, I am thankful for many good things, a warm house, a vehicle that is dependable, clean running water, friends, family etc. Others would describe me as kind and caring. I would say I’m a gentle person. I enjoy making connections with those I come into contact with on a daily basis, just saying hello or making a comment. I virtually watch no TV. I have a hard time getting my dish remote to work. My kids think it is too funny. I’d rather read. I love Manheim Steamroller’s new song, Above the Northern Lights, if you haven’t heard it, go to Youtube and type it in. There is a fantastically beautiful video with the song and the Northern Lights. My Christmas gift to all of you…..

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Welcome :)

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Raylene, Thank you very much for your kindness. I actually just stumbled on the this website, but it is exactly what I need as I am going through without a doubt the most difficult phase of my life as my husband and I are separated and I don’t see much of a solution to our problem. I am generally a very positive person, so perhaps these “affirmations” will help me get back on track.

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