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Len's Profile

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Profile Views:2201
Location:Gold Coast, Qld, Australia
Last Seen:on 30/04/2010
mindful Since:August 2009

Hi I am a young at heart baby boomer that has been happily married to my wife for the last 25 years. I have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 gorgeous grand daughters who I spoil every opportunity that I get.

I am a design engineer who manages the design department of a local tool making firm. I am currently studying Kinesiology in my spare time, and have an interest and passion for sports injury rehabilitation and work part time with a local football club.

I love being around upbeat people who have a positive energy flow that resonates with their surroundings.

I am currently going through a redevelopment stage where I am discovering who I really am, and becoming the best person that I can be who has a beneficial effect on my community.

Len has 4 bmindful Friends

˚Holy Complete Surrender jancydat Lee Aisha
Len is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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Len's 58 Affirmations

Len has over 50 positive affirmations. Click here to see all 58

Comments (5)Comments via RSS

˚Holy Complete Surrender
1775 posts

Great affirmations! Welcome to bmindful. Looking forward to you introducing yourself and letting us know more about you. I’ve added you as a friend(:

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61 posts

WOW len you are a very interesting person; I can’t believe you added me! Thanks!

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3 posts

In response to Aisha’s comment: Hi Alisha I love your positive outlook on life and that in itself is inspirational to others. Keep up the good woork and rember to “Relish the quiet, enjoy the mysteries, and welcome the whole truth.” Best regards, Len

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66 posts

I too am a baby boomer and I find that I am much happier in these years though I still don’t “have all the answers”. What once was strife is now discovery and opportunity. You appear to be a fun, caring and positive person. Welcome to bmindful.

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In response to jancydat’s comment:

Thank you for the welcome, and you too appear to have a soul headed along your right path. I believe that one of the greatest lessons that I have learned along the way is not to be so intently focused on an outcome, but to enjoy the process, or journey, along the way. I have also learned that life is not necessarily about answers, but about understanding the reason for the question. A quote that I loe is “Relish the quiet, enjoy the mysteries, and welcome the whole truth.” Best regards, Len

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