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★How are cultures affect our thoughts

I brought up this thread because in my Mexican culture if you are to confident that things will turn out good something bad will happen. In hearing a very profound man Raymond Grace (Dowsing) say, “Thoughts from generations back can affect us today.”

My mom rest her soul had that attitude she used to say “never be too confident because it’s bad luck”. In some ways I adopted that attitude until it came to me that worrying wasn’t necessary to keep me safe from bad luck. Yet there are times I still do. It seemed necessary to do so so that bad things won’t happen.

What we say and how we act affects are children as well, and the chain continues. Once we have that knowledge then the chain can break. Some years back I took hypnosis lessons in Spanish to work on that part of my subconscious mind and the thoughts in Spanish that I had. It helped me to realize certain habits and the ability to break them. For me everything is a learning process.


In response to godscreation’s post:
Thanks for bringing that up. I knew someone that believed strongly that good thinking (positive thinking),led to bad luck. Things became strained between us because-> I could never even pay her a compliment without her negating it in her mind to keep herself safe.

Obviously we aren’t friends anymore.

You’re right culture can play a role.

I’m a firm believer in something that Anthony Robbins asks, which I just mentioned on another thread..He asks where does it hurt?

Though I know others who don’t even like to ask the question, thinking we’re inviting the pain.

I believe in confronting ourselves, and moving forward.
We may not like all what we see.
Though it is what it is until we acknowledge, accept and move forward toward change with a plan (a plan in our heart, our mind and our daily routines).

It is true “good” and “bad” can occur with or without a plan. Though it’s my belief-> in a world that tends to have complications crop up..taking care of self as you would a child you love.. is what moving forward could be defined as.(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
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I think cultures definitly have alot of effect on our thought, they are part of our upbringing and basis for our thoughts and beliefs.

I have often thought about the language though. Not quit sure how the same thought would be different in different languages. I do affirmations in different languages. And often wondered if they would be more effective if they were in my mother tongue.
But came to the conclusion for myself that it is the feeling of the affirmation that counts and not necessarily the words.

…what a wonderful world….

In response to laurie- worksout-daily&w/everything she’s got~ ~‘s post:
we also have that complimenting thing. That is why we usually knock on wood at the same time. A lot of people when something happens to them, realy believe that someone has looked at them with a ‘bad eye’. So we have different rituals to wave them away.

…what a wonderful world….

It’s often difficult for me when I’m around others who fear good that way.

I so enjoy sharing a good thought when I feel it, see it..

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to laurie- worksout-daily&w/everything she’s got~ ~‘s post:

Laurie keep on sharing your good thoughts and feelings. We cannot allow negativity to take over there is too much good in this world. Let them be who they want to be. Happiness is contagious. I know I love reading your posts.

In response to godscreation’s post:

Thanks for the warm hearted feedback.

One thing about me..I tend to keep on giving off the love I feel regardless.

Please keep in mind when I bring up those who “stand out” and don’t behave with warmth in their spirit, they aren’t friends of mine, just people I run into.

As you mentioned, you run into these types too.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to godscreation’s post:

Though in the scheme of things..I think you’re right (for the most part), that happiness and love are contagious. I’ve seen it…

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

This is a cool thread Mary! My husband’s culture has impacted me greatly. They also believe that you should never reveal your big plans before they happen. Plus, you should never ‘advertise’ your good fortunes. I’m not sure if it is a bad luck thing or a humble thing.

I’ve always worn my heart out on my sleeve and this one took a LONG time for me to learn to “shut up” about things. My family has ALWAYS operated with a tribal mentality. We go to the elders first and talk about our plans and get their advice. Then our trusted confidants… My husbands family just shows up and their lives are completely different than before… new businesses, spouses, etc…

They have a saying, “don’t start the couscous before catching the rabbit.” Their national dish is couscous and it is always served at big celebrations. It isn’t the boxed stuff we buy, but a dish with meat, vegetables and lots of love… So maybe that will help you understand the saying.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

This is a great post. All the comments are wonderful.

Tradition/culture has always played had a major role in influencing on our sense of family and community. We tend to adopt and pass on cultural tradition in an attempt to maintain a connection to family and community. This is generally a good thing, as long as we continue to feel free to develop new traditions, in light of new knowledge.

If we continue to cling to culture/tradition(even in light of new knowledge) simply out of fear or blind allegiance, it ceases to be a good thing and fails as a connecting force. In fact it too often becomes a source of division. This division really is the cause of all the problems in families, communities and the world in general.

It reminds me of a line from one of my favorite Stevie Wonder songs,
“When we believe in things that we don’t understand… and we suffer… Superstition ain’t the way.”

It’s wonderful to have cultural traditions they can service us well, and they do this best when we allow them to evolve with new knowledge attained.

We are self-improvement facilitators. We have been successfully guiding clients to their dreams for more than 20 years. Our practical and loving approach make us the perfect guides on your path to your dreams. Your E-Life is calling…Answer the Call!

Reminds me of when I lived in Scotland where my daughter was born, the superstition was not to bring the cot/pram home until after the baby was born. I latched on to that superstituion because I always found it was better to expect the worse than celebrate something wonderful and then be terribly disappointed, and I had had a previous miscarriage so was cautious about things. Even now I feel hesitant buying baby gifts for baby showers until after the baby is born, talk about being negative and thinking the worst!

I’ve been so much more openly positive in the last year or so, if I do announce something good, everyone around says “touch wood” or “now you’ve said that (opposite/negative) will happen”. Don’t tempt fate they say.

Seems being cautious about positive things is a universal human condition – are there any cultures out there that do allow us to openly speak about good things without knocking on wood first?

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

I don’t want to believe my positive thoughts create anything other than the best energy. Prayer and good thoughts with good loving motives keeps the good->good. (:

Let’s believe the best together. If we don’t what are our affirmations for?

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to I Live The E-Life’s post:
Like your ideas very much(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to laurie- worksout-daily&w/everything she’s got~ ~‘s post:

That’s the reason I put up this thread. We can change those cultural thoughts and brake those old patterns. Now that we have the knowledge. It’s good that you have faith in affirmations.

They do work especially when we use the affirmatiopm amd believe in them and then just let the Creator do the rest. For me I think of what it is I need that isn’t for material gain, something useful. I think about it and do the affirmations then relax. Seems like magic it suddenly comes right to me.

This has happened to me many times. Then I say “thank you for this kind attention you have given me. I am grateful and know your listening.”

In response to godscreation’s post:
We are all works in process. And from what I know of you..you process things very well. Here’s to everything we are all working on —getting better better with each passing moment.

And we thank Our Creator in advance for the gifts we’ve already received for all we are and all we involve ourselves with.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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