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Discussion★Financial empowerment manifestation

Hi guys,
Times are hard at the moment for many of us and rather than dwelling on the lack, lets use this thread to pour in as much financial encouragement to one another as we can. Lets help each other manifest our own wealth for the benefit of ourselves and others.

This is not a thread about greed…this is about opening up to the acceptance that we deserve the best. The universe wants to give it….but we have to be open to recieve it.

Fill this thread with:
Affirmations that help you realise your potential/empower you to feeling worthy

Success stories and similarly

Not-quite-there-yet-but-working-on-it stories

Encouraging words to each other

Techniques/Visualisations and practical manifestations

Let the pouring begin!!!!! Wealth is pouring into our lives


A full and thankful heart..

Looks like a wonderful promising thread(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

First of all Anoushka, please don’t forget that you are a trustfund baby of the universe. There is so much available for all – the universe is boundless. You need to believe that it is there for you and you deserve it!

Whenever I feel like I am having lack in my life, I go out and give to someone who I know is less fortunate than myself. For some reason, this little act of kindness pays off in unforeseen ways. First of all, it is a wonderful reminder to focus on everything I do have – rather than the lack. Somehow this shift is a very important one because it seems to attract better opportunities my way…. some I never would have even imagined.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

I am now open and receptive to receive all the blessings of the universe!

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
Good advice! And remember everyone there is all sorts of giving(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
I love this – and you know what I went away feeling like a trust fund baby and acting on it. Came out of the supermarket to buy my one, wholemeal bread roll that I wanted for my supper and gave the change from the 18pence I spent out of a pound into the collection box of a disabled man. It felt good -and my meal was yummy with the extra addition of the bread roll!

A full and thankful heart..

In response to manfierp’s post:
I love this affirmation. Thanks for sharing it.

A full and thankful heart..

In response to L worksout-daily&w/everything she’s got~ ~‘s post:
Yes, there is indeed all sorts of giving – like that of emotional support. So valuable: when there is someone in need and you offer a frindly shoulder to cry on – there is an instant shift in focus away from ‘me, me me’ towards someone else – That feels great.

Last night I thought about my future mother-in-law who is poorly and far away in another country. So I sent her a text and a little prayer (inspired by GC’s thread about time-outs for couples!!!)
This little gift to another came ten-fold back to me today.
I got a little financial lift/surprise/miracle – some unexpected help out of my current situation.

This thread, and your contributions has helped me already. My frame of mind is open and grateful to all the wonderful miracles the universe provides!!!!

A full and thankful heart..

In response to anoushka_f’s post:
So happy for all of the wonderful things happening in your life!

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
That is beautiful MM – you are so wise, thank you for sharing.

Thanks Anoushka for this thread.

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

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