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★☼Learning/Respecting Our Learning Styles 

All of us have things which work for us to create what we need. And if it is truly helping-we know!


this is an old thread from 2010...that I will soon take the time to revise(: I was actually going to delete it until I saw we had awesome-member posts by Gary D. I had asked Gary about his challenge in adding tasks to his life, that he said were no longer challenges because of affirmations. This was his response

and the business of his he allowed Bmindful to be involved with back in 2010


affirmations will soon be placed here
I wake up energized ready to learn and master all material before me.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

I’ve learned that with my busy schedule, I need to have my affirmations be present as much as possible in my daily life, but not add to the many tasks that I already do.

Hence, why I started mindjamz.com, it was a easy way to solve a problem for me personally.

I listen to music everyday, why not incorporate my affirmations into it?

Since, I have noticed amazing effects, I have rid myself of unwanted habitual nature like procrastinating, I quit smoking and most importantly I have been able to show my kids that no matter what takes place in our life it is up to us to determine how it affects us personally.

There is no good or bad in life, it’s all our own personal perspective that creates our personal reality.

-Gary D

Good Thread Laurie!!! Thank You =D

That’s correct. =)

With everything I do everyday, I was having trouble adding a simple task such as, writing down my affirmations morning and night or just taking the time to cycle through my affirmations each day.

I realized that I listen to music everyday and bet that I will in the days to come.

It only made logical sense to find a way to legally mix my affirmation in with the music I enjoy.

Enter MindJamz. A daily affirmation practice, as easy as listening to your favorite music. =)


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