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★List What You Are Currently Most Proud Of You For

Every moment we make choices that allow us to be more in control of our own happiness, health, productivity, ideas, emotions and the list goes on and on..

Every moment we are moving forward in our lives. Quite cool, huh?

Now, being more aware of your awesome choices that have led you to good places, share something(s) that you are proud of these days.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

These days I am most proud of:

  • My level of acceptance for how I am in the moment, has gotten to a place of real comfort.
  • How others feel is really none of my business, unless I make a conscious choice to consider it.
  • My priorities are getting the attention they need, when I plan well. I have chosen to plan well even more routinely, and assess my plans on a more regular basis.
  • Nothing is that important, to cause disharmony to my life.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

It’s important to let the qualities rise into your concience.

I lately affirmed that “My greatest glory is in rising up every time I fail” I have managed to keep strong my whole life. I may be very anxious and vulnerable but I have not turned for the worst. I am concious of my deeds. I am appreciative more and more of the good things in life. I fight for what is good. I respect everyone deep down. I have never turned bitter against God and cursed him.
I show concern for others. I am faithful and loyal. I love mandkind as God views them. I am passionate.I trust God with my life, that he knows what’s best for me and I comply. I am fanciful.

I recently received a free cd from a Pranic Healing group I use to go to. The slimplicity of it was so wonderful. This moring was filled with happiness. It has been a habit for me to suggest certain affirmations before sleep when I get into the alpha state. (just dozing off) sometimes during the (bewitching hour 3am) I will get an answer or later on that day and sometimes longer than that. It always works for me.

Peace and love to all,

In response to Godscreation’s post:
That’s so wonderful Mary.
Are you meditating? It helps us tremendously in recognizing our inner potential and realising the dreams.
I feel extremly fortunate that my connection with the higher self is made. I am able to communicate and understand things beter. I am most grateful to the masters for showing me the way.
Meditation has hepled me recognize myself.

with love

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:
my beautifull wonderfull daughter for accepting she needs help for anorexia and for applying to go into a retreat /hospital for a few months to start healing .

In response to flowergirl’s post:
Thats wonderful news Flowergirl – You SHOULD be so proud…
All your hard work with affirmations and prayer has worked for the very best solution.
I wish you all the best with this. Stay strong. You are in my prayers…

A full and thankful heart..

Laurie, this is a wonderful thread and has put me in a very positive frame of mind this morning.
You made me focus on something which I have not really voiced.
I am so proud of the way I am handling an awkward situation/difficult person and their behaviour. I have not shouted or lost my temper – which is my natural default when people are inexcusably rude to me or my family. I have simply Let go and Let God. Accepted the situation, realised that I cannot change others and lowered my expectations of this person who is causing tubulence in my family unit.

I have learnt to be the bigger person as it were….somehow. Its magical. The transformation in me has been a good one. Simply focussing on the doing or saying the next right thing – even though deep down I wish I could throttle this person. :(

I am also proud that I havent gone into ‘poor me’s’ or self destruct mode (another popular default mode of mine). I have not allowed myself to feel ‘less than’ even if that person wants me to, and seems to be deliberately undermining me. I am taking good care of myself!
(and learning that silence in Golden once in a while!)…..

A full and thankful heart..

dear anoushka ,thank you for your kind post,not feeling too strong at the moment ,i think mothers day will be hard ,second without my mum and although im so relieved about my daughter i will miss her so much ,she is going so far away .Sorry ,having a weepy morning .

Oh flowergirl….I share this with you. My daughter has been gone now for 32 days……28 more to go ( minimum). It is the hardest thing I have ever endured emotionally. My mothering instincts are cut off – amputated. I cannot hold her – talk to her more than 15 minutes a week – be there when she’s upset ( which is ALL the time). I KNOW what you are feeling. I’m missing Valentines Day, St Patricks Day ( not that I“m Irish, but whatever), Easter, and the entire change of season. When she left, it was snowing like mad – we got nearly 30 inches in the total between 3 separate storms…..by the time she’s home, there will be flowers and tree buds and grasses growing again. Sometimes it feels like it’s unbearable – like she has died. I KNOW she needs to be there or else she ACTUALLY could die….but THIS time, THIS moment hurts on a level I cannot describe.

WHat am I proud of? Holding it together during this time. Being there for my boys and trying to help them process their confusion and feelings about their sister’s absence from our lives.

Getting up everyday and not losing it.

Finding the strength to take another breath.

Looking for the good in this time….though its hard sometimes

Taking care of my self – giving myself time to just grieve sometimes.

Taking responsibility for the need for changes in my family so we can all heal.

thank you so much for putting into words how i will feel again ,i just want to hold her safe .If she goes in she will be there for her 21st birthday and will be there for about 6 months probably ,but i keep telling myself if she doent she can go on much longer like this .There is no pain like it is there .
If i can help you at all in any way please ask ,imhere most days and can give you my e mail and address in a private message .Heres a great big hug for you ,love flowergirl

Wow, such intense posts. I can’t stop but think that they can’t live independantly. That’s got to be hard on esteem and confidence.. Unless if they refuse to speak to you, you should not feel like as if they are dead. They show concern and they want to be co independant. Other wise they might start feeling terribly guilty. Have you ever watched the movie Racheal Getting Married, it’s about a girl on AAA that goes into rehab. She experiences guilt because she killed her brother in a car accident while she was drunk and probably high. You should not think negativly about their choices. Forget any doubt about them and beleive that they want to thrive.

May the healing be powerful and true and come back round to your hearts.
May you gain strength from your faith that there will be wonderful days to come. Energy follows focus. Love, Jan

Im proud of the fact that Im helping to bring up an intelligent loving daughter; and because Im an easy going polite person.

If I think of anymore i`ll post them.

enjoy life!

I don’t feel that my little proud moments can even compare to what the rest of you are experiencing right now and I just want to say that it is very refreshing to hear that the good vibs that Bmindful puts out is reaching all of it’s sisters that need more then the normal “way to go girl,” it seems like it should be “my god woman you are doing great.” Not having children I can not even imagine what you both must be feeling, but I know that you are taking the right steps to create a better and more fulling life for you and yours, “kuddos to you both Flowergirl and Jfowler.”

I personally am proud of my continued control not to be overwhelmed with the financial situation I have created for myself.

I am proud of myself for being patient with my girl-friends and their everyday problems that normally would have sent me reeling.

I am proud for sticking with my tapping and learning everyday more and more the power it produces in my body.

I am also proud of being in such a great group of individuals that seem to really care about each other, even though no one really knows each other. The energy within this website is very intense and healing.

God Bless All of You,
Remember when feeling overwhelmed tapping can really work, scientific fact that tapping helps release energy blocks that cause most of our emotional states.


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Thank you for the beautiful post Roxy! I feel the same way about BMindful :) :)

Today I am the most proud of -> knowing what is healthy ..for me. And I’m equally proud of knowing when I’m doing what needs to do be done.. and when I’m slacking..This makes the concept of getting back on track more meaningful in my life..when I move away from what I know that works.

There is no room for frustration or being angry at myself for not doing “good things or better” things with my time or available energy. There is only room for assessment and doing things better.

Today’s affirmations
I am responsible for me and I am grateful for the job.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

today im proud that I have raised 3 wonderfull kids and they know im always here for them ,love flowergirl
I posted this on another site and thought i could share it here .

I realise how lucky i was with my parents ,my dad was in the navy till he married mum and then he became a tax inspector ( brilliant at maths ) and mum was a secretary in a hospital till she married and stayed home with us .They encouraged us to choose jobs we liked – mine was either kids or animals so i had lots of pets and sudied childcare at college .All my life they encouraged me with anything i wanted to try and i am the same with my kids as long as they are employed or studying i dont mind what career they choose .My eldest is applying to join the royal marines ,as im a pacifist and believe every life is sacred we have some intresting chats but have so much love and respect for each other that we accept our diversity and are proud of each other- im the hippie earth mother and hes the tough guy .My daughter is a mini me ( but far more sensible and concientious) ,and is doing an animal care diploma then going on to animal care degree and wants to work with a consevation charity ,also veggie,against animal testing ,into crafts and love anything hippie .My youngest son is doing an animation degree and would love to work for a disney/pixar type studio and make films ,games etc that are non violent ,eco minded .As a parent i find it amazing that these these 3 individual ,fascinating adults all started off as tiny souls inside me ,and have grown ino such great folks .

Sorry for rambling on but i realise my parents were possibly ahead of their time as we were encouraged to be individuals,and allowed to try anything – as long as we were kind and respectfull and earned our own money .love flowergirl

i’m also proud that this year going to do things and not just think about doing them .love flowergirl

I finally started to get my house in order. Have been saying I would for a whaile now. I went through my things at home to see what I use and don’t use instead of hanging on to them. I ended up organinzing my house and got rid of so many things. It has so much space now and I had a party for my birthday with a lot of my friends.

It was so airy and we had a lot of tasty food and fun. Since then I got rid of my microwave oven because it has been said that it is not healthy for you. I don’t know if that is true but I didn’t have one in the past I can adapt again without it.

Peace and love to all!!

In response to Godscreation’s post:
your home mus feel lovely i keep saying im
going to do that here as our home is too full of suff .

I agree abou microwaves ours broke a couple of years ago and i dont want to replace it ,prefer slocooker .
Well done i think i will clear out my dresser drawers today – its a start ,love flowergirl

I am currently proud of my persistence and the willingness to keep doing my best..until my personal best continues to get better..and my willingness is willing to let go and tap into the remarkable awesome spark of God. Thank you God for allowing me to connect. And thank you for helping me stay out of my way(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

I am currently proud that when I open my mouth to speak, it is a message of peace and love that’s most likely to be heard. It wasn’t always like that!

I am most proud of my daughter for standing up for her beliefs and also for acknowledging my parental coaching. Both of which she uses to her benefit to make good choices. I am also very happy that she shares such moments with me so I know my words and advice are not falling on deaf ears. A good example of this is while walking with friends to the library after school , another school mate, older and driving offered them a ride, at which she replied no thank you, I am not allowed to ride in cars with people my mom doesn’t approve first. Way to go !

I am so proud that while we are facing moving our business, I am able to concentrate on the end results rather than the hard steps in between…. so far things have gone without a hitch….. we plan to be totally moved by the end of this month….

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