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"Older Bmindful" IceBreaker

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    So What Is An Ice Breaker? Fun things of the past.
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Yes, award for being you(: Happiness, appreciation, gratitude were the words of the day.

It was a fun and interesting time…w/older bmindful. Grateful for all of its beginnings. Grateful Bmindful still exists(: Glad to have met members and the creator of this site.

Bmindful used to be a place of lots and lots of shared gratitude. Not that anyone does things for their awards..or is anything just for awards..Though we do have an awesome community..I want to thank everyone for wonderful affirmations,articles, links, threads etc..We view and utilize them…Thanks,selfcare

Can’t let today go by..without saying,you’re the best to Lee.

so here’s the group award acknowledgement


Old Appreciation Threads…More Coming Soon
One Year Anniversary
3 Things That Made Me Smile
more current highlighted threads Coming Soon
Beauty Depth & Richness in the World
Power of Vulnerability this video expresses so many wonderful things….

Quotes coming soon

Due to the context of another time with bmindful….and an unkind interpretation of its content from a member…a delete of this thread might be warranted…. Though, while the thread below cannot be deleted, it can be revised(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Kudos to Flowergirl for her strength and creativity and open mindedness. She has inspired many thought provoking threads from which we all benefit. Love, Jan

The SECOND AWARD goes to Lauri!!

The pillar of bmindful!!

Queen of everything I love her!!

And congrats to flowergirl!! YOU GO GIRL!! I see my future self in you.. wanna work as hard improving my own life as well… You are such an inspiration dear! KEEP GOING!!

In response to Aisha’s post:
In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:
OK Anyone who frequents bMindful knows that Laurie is, indeed, a pillar of our little community. Love and Light to you girl,

But, we’d all be remis if we didn’t give the “founder’s award” to Lee for providing the forum. Hip, Hip Horray for Lee!

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

oh gosh for once in my life i am speechless ………………………
when i read Lauries idea for awards i started thinking of all the lovely freinds i have on here and how much they deserve one ,then i saw flowergirl and at first thought there were 2 flowergirls ,but realised its me .You are so kind and i know with the caring encouragement of you lovely folks on here i will always have hands to hold on this journey called life .Since i joined i have had one foot in both the past and the future but with your help im starting to live in the present and to believe in myself .I have learnt to “bloom where you are planted “ instead of waiting until things change.I have such a big smile on my face now ,this award has touched mt heart -thank you so much for the award ,your lovely words and for having faith in me ,pam

i hope its o k to put so many names in one post but i would like to give all my freinds an award ,you are all special people who bring kindness and encouragement for so many people on here and deserve these lovely gifts ,

Lee – for starting this wonderfull site

Laurie – for everything

Gods creation -being so positive

themadcookieman – for understanding

meditatingmama – for your sharing about your life

anoushka – for your lovely words and ispiring lifestyle

rockswealth – for your lovely posts

db -for your encouragement

jancydat – for your kindness

aftab – for your lovely posts

Raylene – for the lovely welcome

whit – for being so helpfull

and to

best 78,cuqui,sianemily1982,lauradevsmith,and egghead ,for your kind posts and for including me as a freind

thank you for being the special people that you are ,love and gratitude ,flowergirl

Thank you Laurie and I have to agree with every one else you are a true pillar of our little community and I feel like you are one to keep an eye on for you are going far and will make a grand contribution to this world of ours.

I also agree with flowergirl and her awards to others and for herself. I also want to tell Lee how much we appreciate his vision of a place where people can share the good vibrations we all feel when we are using Affirmations everyday God Bless you.

Actually God Bless all of you within the Bmindful site because each of you has contributed to better world for us all.

Sending each and everyone of you a


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Awww shucks. Thanks for this award, I love welcoming people to the site.

I would like to hand out awards to Lee and Laurie.
Lee for creating such a wonderful site with humbleness and love.
Laurie for not only helping us with her affirmations, threads, and love but also for her ‘behind the scenes’ help. Without knowing me at all, she has taught me many things and been a wonderful ear for me. Thanks.

Hugs always,

…What makes you different, makes you beautiful…

Each and everyone of you makes a great family to come to. When we are happy, sad and creative. You give so much support. Anytime I can get a chance to come and visit I do. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
May you all be blessed.


Thanks Flowergirl – I am so chuffed I inspire you – you are truly an inspiration too and like Laurie says you are growing right before our very eyes its wonderful!

My personal nominations:

Mary (GC) – for the Persistence Award Your ability to ‘keep on keeping on’ is inspiring.

Aftab – for the Sweetness award You give the very best virtual hugs!!!

MCM – The music man award – for giving us the best bmindful theme tunes!

Laurie….You deserve many, but for me its the life coach award!

I think I will be back to make some more nominations soon as there are many more in my heart.

A full and thankful heart..

What a wonderful chain of sharing and gratitude was shared in this thread; another great gift from Laurie.
Thank you Laurie and everyone who comes here to find or give ideas and support everyday. Grateful Jan

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:
Aww Laurie you are too sweet. Thankyou for this award from the bottom of my heart. I am so touched by your words – ‘refreshing’…..I like that!

I dedicate my award to all my bmindful friends who have helped me bring out the best in myself and for keeping me spiritually grounded and emotionally sound.

….Oh and I’d like to thank God (They say is nonchalantly on the award ceremonies – I assure you I truly mean it!)

Hey sparkling sunshine Afi…COME ON DOWN and get your award!!!!

A full and thankful heart..

Thankyou Flowergirl for my award its so nice have postive recognition. You certainly deserve yours for being so strong and insprirational

Id also like to give an award to everyone mentioned above Especially Lee for creating this site Laurie, Meditating Mama, Madcookie Man Vivi and Anoushka for their interesting and insiring posts and threads.

Also someone I havent seen on here for a while Pure Essence I admire that she is bringing up 5 children on her own with such positiveness.

I belive everyone who has ever created a thread added to one or given loving thoughts and advice deserves recognition.

enjoy life!

WOW! Thank you. I am awarded :-) Thank you. Am speachless. Love you. All of you. Hugs hugs hugs hugs :-D

Actually I love this site because of every single person here, awards to all: Lee, Laurie, Anoushka, GodsCreation, Themadcoockieman, Meditating Mama, Jancydat, Flowergirl, Best78, Aisha, Vivi, Raylene, ThisIsBruce, SONIA, BKW*(who has been very quiet), *db, whit, rockswealth, cuqui ….

…what a wonderful world….

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Thank you guys for my award! You are a special group of people and I’m glad to be a part of it.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Thanks so much! I’m happy to know if others get a giggle from my way of my expressing myself. I blurt then I ramble then I recap. Ha! Glaurie be! Jan

THIS BMINDFUL AWARD goes to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell. Laurie has an unending positive energy that encompasses all she does. She is always there for all of us, the outspoken, the timid, the shy, the countless readers who just listen and observe, and learn. Here’s to you Laurie, just keep on focusingWell!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Awards go to all of you for always being as positive as you can be and always supporting when someone is down. This is such a wonderful place to come to and find love, peace and happiness. I found this youtube video that reminds me that we can affect beings in such a wonderful way. All we have to do is have the desire! Enjoy


Hi Laurie & everybody!I hope everyone is doing well.I have been busy but I do check in every chance I get.Well what a surprise for me when I saw this thread for awards tonight and I saw my name It really touched me.I opened my eyes and mouth and as flowergirl I too was speechles lol. Wow the smile : ) is still on my face and let me say it will be there for a while.I am a newbie here in the bmindful community but from the beginning I felt welcome here.This is a good and nice place to be because of all of you my wonderful new friends.And so I want to Give a bmindful award to the following special people:Laurie,Lee Nutter,Raylene,Themancookieman,db,Aftab,Flowergirl,Love&Strength,Rockwealth,Melt86,Pure essence,Anoushka,Meditatingmama,Jancydat,Best78,Accidentalnote,Poppy & all other bmindful members.And Now Laurie with a most humble and grateful heart it will be an honor to accept this meaningful award.Thank-You! God Bless You and loads of ((( HUGS)))Here is an Inspiration I came across which I feel describe the Bmindful community:“We are each of us angels with only one wing.And we can only fly while embracing each other.“By Lucian De Croszonza.

Hi Laurie & everybody!I hope everyone is doing well.I have been busy but I do check in every chance I get.Well what a surprise for me when I saw this thread for awards tonight and I saw my name It really touched me.I opened my eyes and mouth and as flowergirl I too was speechles lol. Wow the smile : ) is still on my face and let me say it will be there for a while.I am a newbie here in the bmindful community but from the beginning I felt welcome here.This is a good and nice place to be because of all of you my wonderful new friends.And so I want to Give a bmindful award to the following special people:Laurie,Lee Nutter,Raylene,Themancookieman,db,Aftab,Flowergirl,Love&Strength,Rockwealth,Melt86,Pure essence,Anoushka,Meditatingmama,Jancydat,Best78,Accidentalnote,Poppy & all other bmindful members.And Now Laurie with a most humble and grateful heart it will be an honor to accept this meaningful award.Thank-You! God Bless You and loads of ((( HUGS)))Here is an Inspiration I came across which I feel describe the Bmindful community:“We are each of us angels with only one wing.And we can only fly while embracing each other.“By Lucian De Croszonza.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Hi! Everyone! How is your day going so far? Let’s make it a good & positive one! On my list for an award goes to Godscreation I thought I typed your name on my list last night. I want to say to you to keep positive.Also the video “I kick your ask” was so cute & funny. I was laughing so much I “Kick” myself out of my chair LOL. I had to share it with others And they enjoyed it just as much as I did.Thanks. I will be checking the other video you posted soon.Now go out there and “kick some ask” ; ) LOL in a good and positive way LOL. God bless & {{ hugs}}

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:

I’m glad you liked the video. It was amazing wasn’t it?

In response to cuqui’s post:

Thank you for your positive outlook of me and I am so glad that you liked the video it made me laugh so much! Blessings to you always

Aw shucks, mam! Twernt nothin’!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

I think that DMarie deserves an award as well, especially for how she is handling things in her workplace and growing stronger all the time. GO GIRL :)

enjoy life!

In response to Refreshed & In The Flow’s post:
Oh thanks Laurie! :)

I have to say I really admire how you always create interesting and informative threads. I agree with Aisia you are the queen of bmindful. :)

enjoy life!

I second, um… er…, I mean I third that. Best78, you a pretty special yourself, by the by.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:
Thankyou Madcookieman :) right back at ya!.

enjoy life!

Thank you so much! Peace, love, and blessings to you all

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much for thinking of me you lovely awesome Bmindful lovelies xxx

Everyday I am thinking of you and wondering what you are doing, sorry for being away, still in mind, heart and spirit xxx Love yous

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is wonderful to know you are still around, PE!!!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Thank you for the mention,and I would like to thank all of you for being so inspirational.I now see the possibilities.

Thank you Jeff :) ! Always thinking of everyone all the time!

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks laurie… I feel it is so important to welcome new people… by saying welcome I hope I make them feel less vulnerable in taking that first step to becoming a part of this great community….

I had like to award me and each one of you for being “YOU” for thats what counts the most :) love, peace and happiness :)

I want to award Betty with the not to old to try something new award…. Betty, you are an inspiration to us all, we are never to old to learn and life should not stagnate…. good on you…. love and peace, Kathy

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

wow as u know from some of my postings u might have read i am a rambler, i can post on and on, I can say for the VERY first time I am thrown!! Speechless :):)

BUT in a totally good way, I thank you for such kind words i have never had any kind of award before wow, i dont know what to say, i guess i have to learn to take a compliment, working on it, really, but this feels wonderful, I guess i am just use to rewarding others, and i get so much gratification from it but nothing like this i must say, hehehehe :)
I thank u all so much whom have accepted my friendships and want to extend that to everyone here for keeping such a great thing going, we all deserve the best in life and giving it to one another after we have found it is the most important thing to me, Peace, harmony, love:)

I thank u for allowing me to be a part of such a great community, and i also want to say to all i look very much into getting to know ya’s and am going to give myself more time for my mental wellness, and in hopes give back how much u all have given me by reading your affirmations and threads. School is just around the corner and then I will have some free time again :) BIG SMILES such a brighter day now :)

LOLAHugs jan

support group / 4 any mental health,sharing coping strategies &learning through each others experiences :):) Family&Friends also Welcome :) :) LOLAH

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