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Carole Gotlieb's Profile

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Profile Views:910
Location:Kadima, Israel
Last Seen:on 14/06/2008
mindful Since:March 2008

I live in this conflict-ridden, amazingly beautiful land. There is sorrow, fear and hatred all around me. But, there is also sunshine, hope, and the ever-watchful eyes of the highest powers. One day, one blessed day there will be peace, a home of their own for the oppressed Palestinians, a change of heart for the blind politicians and an end to the senseless bloodshed. I emigrated twenty years ago from London England, a divorced woman with two grown daughters and two wonderful granddaughters. I walk, I garden, I sing, I write and I meditate, daily. I teach English as well as teaching sad people how to love and heal themselves. My Godess is Louise Hay, and through her love and wisdom, I have healed my life and daily thank her. My affirmation for today is: “I open myself to the abundance of the Universe, allowing myself to receive and as I trust the process of life, all is well in my world!” Have a wonderful day!

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