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FredrickJ1's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:726
Location:Seattle, WA
Last Seen:on 13/10/2007
mindful Since:October 2007

I’ve suffered about 30 years with panic, social phobia, depression, and low self esteem. I’ve tried about every medication, treatment plan, NLP, Hypnosis, CBT, still with no complete success.

I’m certainly not looking for sympathy or the 3 steps on how to fix myself.

I’m wanting to just get more positive thoughts in my mind on a daily basis by using MP3 files even if I have to make them myself and see if I can’t get my brain to go into a new, more positive direction.

I’m probably at the lowest point in my life right now. When I was younger, I had a lot more energy to just put up a front and put through the fear. I don’t have the energy to do that anymore.

I’m not working right now and am feeling very housebound and not sure how I will get some work for income.

Again, I’m just wanting to be open and honest about where I am in my life. I know there are no miracle cures, magic bullets, and magic pills or solutions. Just a lot of hard, daily feeding the brain good stuff and hoping for God to open some doors for a future with some joy and hope.

Thanks for having a site where I can get some ideas that might fit my situation.

God Bless

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FredrickJ1's 18 Affirmations

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