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leopardine's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:318
Last Seen:on 15/08/2007
mindful Since:April 2007

I am GUNG-HO about being alive, finding more and more and further and further all the time, a card-carrying member of Be Yourself, seeing it as better for everyone, the whole world. No apologies and a big fat sense of humor works for me…it’s all fair game, ALL of it, positive and negative, neither is worth more than the other. Take a deep breath and say what you really mean, it’s better that way, it’s a palpable relief for all involved. Also, NO BLAMING allowed. I’ve worked in an art gallery, a very decadent bakery, as an interiorscaper, a sex surrogate, a research greenhouse technician, a college bookstore, presently own my own retail shop, but really, what difference does it make?

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