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Roxanne's Profile

Forum Posts:0
Profile Views:212
Location:Hollywood, CA
Last Seen:on 02/09/2009
mindful Since:September 2009
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Loving who I have become as it is a constant journey of evolving my self awareness, opening my heart and mind to receive all of the greatness I am intended to have by the Universe! I love animals and have rescued them since I was a small child. Never played with dolls because they were not alive, always preferred pets and have always had them! I lived in new York for 17 years, was a fitness model before it was cool. I saw life completely different in new York and learned so much about myself when I was there. It is my favorite city. I am single and am open for the right man to come into my life. I am fulfilled enough so I trust in divine order of things for the right timing. Love Science Fiction, Quantum Physics, Joel Osteen, and being where I am. I have two dogs and 3 cats, and no, we are not cramped into a small apartment! If I think of anything else, I will add it! All for now.

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