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BB Berg's Profile

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Profile Views:274
Last Seen:on 15/06/2009
mindful Since:June 2009

I am a singer,performer,healer,actor,teacher and poet/songwriter.I live 100% by my art so that I may contribute to the world with my voice and loving vibrations.

I have been an S.G.I. Buddhist for almost 27 years.
The buddhist principals and philosophies (which are thousands of years old) and have taught the very essence of the Laws of Attraction,which have recently and so wonderfully come to light for everyone to use ,explore and enjoy.It is no longer a secret.For this reason I am no newcomer to these beautiful principals.If I may be of service please feel free to ask about Nam myo ho renge Kyo or any of the other S.G.I. Buddhist teachings.Intoning or chanting this phrase is one very fast and easy way to atune our lives to our highest vibration (the source, the higher power) or as we say the Mystic Law of life.I am deeply grateful to all of you.We are all on the same,glorious journey together.THANK YOU.Blessings and love BB

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